Undergraduate Fine Art major Drew Andreison recently submitted his senior honors project consisting of 11 Kinko's color prints of screen caps of Apple's iTunes “Visualizer” feature in “Full Screen” mode.
“I meant to do these really cool abstract photo collages of some of the unique little spots around campus that most people don't even know about, like that pond behind the student union, but I could only find like two,” explained Mr. Andreison, adding, “plus the light was only right at like eight in the morning which was just not gonna happen... at least not this week.”

When asked about his inspiration for the comprehensive 18-month long, faculty-guided project, which is designed to give highly self-motivated advanced students the impetus to cultivate and incorporate skills from several fundamental disciplines of the visual arts into a themed body of work for exhibition, Mr. Andreison said, “Basically, before I knew it, it was due, like, the next morning so I found some classical stuff on iTunes, turned on that annoying “Visualizer” option and had the whole thing printed out in like 45 minutes.” He added, “I used to think that feature was so stupid, unless you're high, but it really saved my ass this time.”
Mr. Andreison, upon being asked what remarks, if any, his faculty project advisor had about his submission, replied, “I've got a meeting with [my advisor] this afternoon so we'll see, but he barely even knows how to use email so I think I'm pretty safe.”
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